Powerful Steps To Become A Godly Woman That Pleases God

Do you ever feel like learning how to be a Godly woman is an impossible task? Are you being pulled in a million different directions?

Between work, family, friends, and all of life’s other demands, it can seem impossible to focus on what really matters—your relationship with God. But that’s what’s most important. When you pursue God’s heart, everything else falls into place.

This article is your blueprint for becoming a godly woman. Through stories, scriptures, and practical tips, you’ll discover how to strengthen your faith, improve your prayer life, build healthy relationships, and find true purpose and meaning.

Get ready to go deeper in your walk with God as you learn what it really means to be a woman after His own heart. The journey won’t always be easy, but with God as your guide, you’ll develop wisdom, grace, and strength of character.

If you’re ready like I am Keep reading to embark on an incredible adventure with your Creator. His plans for you are bigger than anything you could imagine, and it all starts here. This is your invitation to rise up and become the woman God created you to be.

What does it mean to be a godly woman?

To be a godly woman means aligning your heart, mind, and actions with God’s will. It’s a lifelong journey, but here are some of the key characteristics to aim for:

A Heart for God

I know we live in a busy world that can distract us from what is most important. Whatever we make a priority we will make the time for it.

A godly woman pursues an intimate relationship with God. She reads the Bible regularly, prays daily, and trusts in the Lord with all her heart. Her love for God permeates all areas of her life.

We are surrounded by people who can offend us and vice versa, but our constant study of God’s Word keeps us grounded. Remember what God told Joshua

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

Humility and Grace

A godly woman is humble, forgiving, and gracious. She doesn’t think too highly of herself and shows compassion for others. She is slow to anger and quick to forgive, just as God has forgiven her.

A Godly woman also gives grace to herself when she makes a mistake. We are often our harshest critics, and we are quick to label ourselves when we make a mistake. We should not expect grace from others if we do not extend it to ourselves, and vice versa.

Integrity and Godly Speech

A godly woman speaks the truth with love. Her words build others up and give grace to those who hear them. She avoids gossip, slander, and hurtful speech. Her “yes” means yes and her “no” means no.

Modesty and Self-Control

A godly woman dresses and behaves modestly and with propriety. She has a gentle and quiet spirit. She is not quarrelsome or anxious but exhibits self-control and restraint.

Spends Wisely

One habit we must try to cultivate is learning how to pay ourselves first no matter how small the amount is. I used to wait till I had a lump sum before saving but it didn’t do me any good.

Now I’m learning to save no matter the amount because little drops eventually become a mighty ocean.

Good Works

A godly woman uses her gifts and talents to serve others. She is hospitable, helps the poor and needy, and cares for the sick and afflicted. Her good deeds point others to Christ.

I’d also like to add that a Godly woman doesn’t have to wait for people to ask for her help before she assists. She does it as unto God whether she is rewarded or not.

Respect and Submission

A godly woman shows respect and submits to God-given authority such as parents, husbands, church leaders, and government. She accepts her role as a helper and lives in harmony with others.

Becoming a woman after God’s own heart is challenging but rewarding. If you make pleasing God your highest goal, rely on His grace and strength,

and allow His Spirit to transform you, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a godly woman. Focus on progress, not perfection, and enjoy the journey!

What are the daily habits of a godly woman?

To become a woman after God’s own heart, you need to develop habits and disciplines that keep you close to Him each day. Here are some of the daily habits of a godly woman:

Spend time in prayer

A godly woman makes prayer a priority. She starts each day with prayer, praying for loved ones, wisdom, and guidance.

She also prays throughout the day about challenges and decisions, and she ends each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Aim for at least 30 minutes of prayer daily.

Bible Verses About Thanksgiving

Read and study the Bible

Godly women feed on God’s Word. Make it a daily habit to read the Bible—not just skim it, but to study and meditate on it.

Every day, read a chapter from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, or Proverbs. Look for Bible reading plans or devotions to guide you.

Practise gratitude

A godly woman is thankful. She makes a habit of counting her blessings each day and expressing gratitude to God. Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you are grateful for every day.

Say grace before meals. Look for small ways to be appreciative and share that with others. An attitude of gratitude will change your outlook.

Find community

Godly women seek out other believers for fellowship and accountability. Make a habit of regularly attending church services, joining a Bible study group, finding a mentor, and building friendships with other Christian women. Community helps you stay grounded and focused on your faith.

Serve others

Godly women serve and meet the needs of others. Look for ways to serve in your church or volunteer in your local community.

Make serving a habit and part of your weekly or monthly routine. Lending a helping hand to others in need is a great way to demonstrate God’s love and grace.

With discipline and consistency, you can develop these godly habits and become a woman after God’s own heart. It is a journey, so start today by focusing on one area and building from there. God will reward your faithfulness and use you in incredible ways.

What are the characteristics of a godly woman?

To be a woman after God’s heart, you must develop certain characteristics that reflect God’s values and priorities. Some of the most important traits include:


A humble woman recognizes that her worth comes from God, not from herself or others. She acknowledges her weaknesses and limitations and understands that everything she has is a gift from God.

Humility is much more than being quiet. It is being submitted to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Humility is submitting to those whom we believe are unqualified for blessing but whom God commands us to.

A humble woman is teachable, willing to learn, and open to correction and advice. She serves others with a gracious attitude.


A godly woman exercises strong faith and trust in God. She believes in God’s promises and faithfulness, even when circumstances seem bleak.

Her faith fuels her hope, joy, and perseverance. A woman of faith spends time reading God’s word, praying, and meditating to strengthen her faith.


A wise woman seeks God’s counsel and guidance in all areas of her life. Based on biblical principles, she makes sound judgments and decisions.

A wise woman surrounds herself with wise advisors and counselors. She is constantly learning and gaining life experiences that shape her wisdom over time.


A kind woman reflects the love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus to others. She is generous, forgiving, caring, and thoughtful in her words and actions.

A kind woman looks for opportunities to bless and encourage people with small acts of kindness each day. Her kindness and tenderheartedness make her approachable to others.


A godly woman pursues moral purity and excellence in all areas of her life. She flees from sin and temptation, guarding her eyes, mind, and heart.

A pure woman dresses and modestly conducts herself so as not to cause others to stumble. She keeps her thoughts and speech virtuous, avoiding gossip, cursing, and vulgar language.

In summary, a woman after God’s heart cultivates these Christ-like qualities through the work of the Holy Spirit in her life.

She keeps her eyes fixed on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of her faith, seeking to follow His example in all she says and does. By God’s grace, you too can become a woman who wholly devotes herself to God.

How to Build A Relationship with God

What are the roles of a godly woman?

As a godly woman, you have several important roles to fulfill. These include being a helper and companion to your husband, a nurturer of your children, and an active member of your faith community.

Helper and Companion

According to the Bible, woman was created to be a “helper” to man. This means offering your husband love, support, encouragement, and counsel. We are to pray for and encourage the people God has placed in our lives, even if we are not married.

Make time to talk with your spouse each day, even if just for a few minutes. Listen to him and provide empathy when he shares the challenges he’s facing.

Express affection through hugs, kind words, and small acts of service. Pray for your husband on a daily basis and let him know you are thinking of him.


If you have children, one of your most significant roles is to nurture them. Teach your kids about God’s love and His word. Help them develop good habits and strong character.

Provide guidance and discipline to train them in the way they should go. Express interest in their lives by attending school and extracurricular events. Most importantly, lavish your children with love, affirmation, quality time, and physical affection.

Active in Your Faith

As a godly woman, you should be active in pursuing spiritual growth and serving at your local church. Spend time each day reading the Bible, praying, and reflecting on God’s truths.

Look for ways to serve others in your congregation through hospitality, mentoring, volunteering, or other means.

Use your spiritual gifts to strengthen the body of Christ. Meet regularly with other believing women for fellowship, accountability, and mutual encouragement in the faith.

In all of these roles, seek to reflect Christ in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Rely on the Holy Spirit to produce godly fruit in your life like love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control.

Though the responsibilities of a godly woman are great, God’s grace is greater still. He will equip you for every good work as you walk faithfully with Him.

So there you have it, a blueprint for becoming a godly woman. It is not a difficult formula to follow, but it will require dedication and discipline.

Focus on pursuing an intimate relationship with God through prayer, Bible reading, and worship. Allow His Spirit to transform you from within, shaping your character and values.

Love others unconditionally, serve them with compassion, and support them through good times and bad. Watch your words and be slow to speak, and quick to listen.

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally so you can be strong for the challenges and responsibilities in your life.

Become a woman of integrity and excellence in all you do. If you make the choice each day to follow this blueprint, you’ll find yourself well on your way to becoming a woman after God’s own heart. The rewards of such a life are beyond measure. Choose wisely!

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