Best Beginner’s Guide: How to Study the Bible for Yourself

So you’re interested in learning how to study the Bible for yourself. That is fantastic; delving into God’s Word on your own can be a very rewarding experience.

The Bible contains timeless truths and wisdom that can guide you through life’s ups and downs. The Bible, on the other hand, can be intimidating.

Where do you even start? How do you make sense of it all? Don’t worry, you’ve got this. With the right tools and techniques, you’ll be unpacking the meaning of Scripture in no time.

This guide will walk you through the basics of how to study the Bible for yourself. We will look at how to choose a Bible, useful resources to have on hand, different methods of study, and tips for understanding what you read.

Buckle up, you’re about to adventure through the most extraordinary story ever told. By the end, you’ll have the confidence to open up the Bible and start discovering its life-changing messages. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

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How do I do Bible study on my own?

So you want to study the Bible for yourself, but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think. Here are some tips to get you going:

Begin with Prayer

No one can fully understand the Bible without the help of the Holy Spirit. You need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you insights so that your time in God’s presence will not be in vain.

When you pray, you must believe that God has heard you because He will not withhold anything good from you.

The easiest way to get bored in your Bible study is to rely on just your devotional and your knowledge. Please Don’t skip this aspect.

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Find a Bible translation you enjoy reading

There are many options, like the MSG, AMPC, NIV, ESV, NKJV or NLT. Compare a few by comparing different Bible texts of the Bible and pick what resonates with you. For example, you can start with Romans 12 and read it in the different translations.

Best Bibles For Beginners

Whichever gives you clear insights should be your pick. Reading a Bible you find engaging will make you want to read it more.

You can check out this free YouVersion Bible App it has most of the Bible translations that you need to help you get a clearer understanding of a Bible verse.

Start with the Gospels

The first four books of the New Testament—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—provide accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry.

Reading about Jesus is the best way to start understanding the heart of Christianity and the role we have to play as followers of Christ.

Set a regular time to read

Aim for at least 3-4 times a week, maybe starting your day with 15-30 minutes of studying preferably in the early hours of the morning to prevent distractions.

You can also get an alarm clock if you will to help you as well. Make it a habit and part of your routine. Consistency is key.

Start with a Bible reading plan

There’s a popular quote that says “If you fail to plan you plan to fail” I’ll recommend this 31-day Digital Bible study journal and reading plan that talks about the love of our heavenly father.

It contains Bible study notes and SOAP worksheets(I’ll speak more about that in this post), 5 scripture coloring pages, monthly prayer, prayer trackers, and end-of-the-month reflections worksheet. This will save you the trouble of trying to figure out what Bible verses to read each day.

Having A good daily devotional can also be a great start if you want the author’s perspective on different topics for each day.

The best way in my opinion is to use the devotional in the morning while the Bible study plan focuses on a theme for that month.

For instance, this 31-day digital Bible journal and reading plan focuses on God’s love for his children. Which is an important topic for every child of God to learn about their identity in Christ.

When we don’t understand the love of Christ how we are supposed to know how we’re supposed to be loved or how to give grace to ourselves.

Take notes and highlight meaningful passages

Use the Bible journal to jot down thoughts, questions, insights, and highlights as you read. Don’t be distracted by journaling. The purpose of writing things down so to reinforce what you’re learning and apply it to your life.

Consider Bible study resources

Things like Bible dictionaries, commentaries, maps, and devotionals provide historical context and insight into Scripture. Many are available free on Bible websites and apps. Use them to enhance your understanding.

Pray after reading

Ask God to open your heart and mind to His Word. Pray over what you read, asking for guidance in applying it to your life. Studying the Bible should be a spiritual experience, not just an academic exercise.

With some consistency, you’ll be well on your way to studying the Bible for yourself. Keep at it—the rewards of knowing God’s Word are well worth the effort.

What is the best method of Bible study?

The best way to study the Bible for yourself is to use the S.O.A.P Bible study method which stands for scripture, observation, application, and prayer.

Read the Bible regularly

Set aside time each day to read the Bible, even if just for 15-30 minutes. Begin with a plan. What topic do you want to study in this season and why?

Read slowly, taking it all in. You’ll start to become familiar with the overarching story and message from the Bible.

Focus on understanding, not just reading

As you read each passage, ask yourself questions about what the text means and how it applies to your life. Look for who, what, where, when, why and how.

Read the Bible with an open and inquisitive mind. Look up word definitions and historical context to gain deeper insight.

Meditate on verses that stand out to you. Don’t let guilt stop you from studying the Bible Jesus has already paid the price for our sins.

Any weakness that the Holy Spirit brings up is to take note and make the move to change so that we can become like Christ.

Use Bible study tools

Resources like Bible commentaries written by Bible scholars who have proven results in their walk with God are also helpful for understanding the context and interpretation of the various chapters of the Bible.

Start with a book overview

Before diving into a book of the Bible, read an introduction to get the big picture. Learn who wrote it, when it was written, why it was written and for whom. Discover the main themes, events, and purpose. This overview will help in your reading and study.

Ask questions about the text

Some good questions to ask include:

  • What did this mean to the original audience?
  • How does this passage point to Jesus?
  • What does this teach me about God’s character or will?
  • How should this change my thoughts or actions?
  • Are there any promises or commands here for me to apply?

With regular reading, a willingness to understand, and the help of useful Bible study tools and methods, you’ll be well on your way to studying the Bible for yourself. May God bless you in your journey into His Word!

How do I start studying the Bible again?

If you stopped studying the Bible for a long period of time and you want to get back on it. Here are some tips to help you develop a regular habit and get the most out of your time in the Word.


I know the word discipline might sound harsh but nothing tangible in this world was ever achieved without discipline.

If we regard the Bible as an occasional book then we will treat it as such. You must make a commitment to study it come rain or sunshine. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

Find a Bible translation you enjoy reading.

There are many options available, like the New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), and The Message, and more are all available for free on the YouVersion Bible App.

Compare different translations to find one with a reading level and style you connect with. The goal is to read in a way that feels natural and engaging.

Set a regular time and place.

Choose a spot where you can focus without distractions. Try reading first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or before bed. Whatever time works for your schedule. Stick to that routine and make Bible study a habit.

Start with a Bible reading plan.

Plans provide guidance by laying out passages to read each day. You might follow a plan to read the Bible in a year, focus on a particular book, or study a topic like faith, hope, or love at a time. Plans keep you accountable and on track.

Take time to understand what you’re reading.

Read actively by observing details, interpreting the meaning, and applying it to your life. Ask questions about the text. Look up word definitions and cross-references.

Read Bible commentary or study notes to gain context. The more you understand, the more meaning you’ll get out of each passage.

Meditate on Scripture throughout the day.

Choose a verse or passage that spoke to you and reflect on it as you go about your day. Say it out loud. Think about how its truth applies to your thoughts and actions.

Let the Word shape you from within. Scripture memorization and meditation are powerful tools for transformation.

Find Bible study resources to enrich your learning.

My go-to is the CSB rainbow study Bible which is rich and has what you need to build your bible study life. You can also listen to good Christian podcasts or sermons to expand your understanding.

Commentaries provide verse-by-verse explanations from biblical scholars. There are many free resources available to aid your Bible study.

The key is simply to start. Don’t be intimidated. God’s Word is meant for everyone to read, understand and apply. With regular practice, Bible study can become a meaningful habit with lifelong benefits.

Approach the Bible with an open and willing heart, ask God for guidance, and watch as He reveals new truths and wisdom each time you read.

What is the easy Bible study method?

The “easy Bible study method” refers to a simple technique you can use to study the Bible on your own. It involves just a few basic steps to get you digging into God’s Word in an uncomplicated way.


Begin your Bible study time in prayer. Ask God to open your eyes to understand His Word and speak to you through it. Pray that He will reveal the truth to you and show you how to apply it to your life.

Choose a theme for and Pick a book from the Bible and read it through

Pick a theme for that month and do an in-depth study while choosing your favorite Bible translation.

Choose the chapters of the Bible that resonate with the theme you want to study and read it all the way through.

This will give you a broad overview of the book so you can understand the context and story flow better. As you read, jot down any questions, observations, or insights you have.

Identify the theme

Try to identify the main theme or message of the book. Look for key topics, phrases, or ideas that are repeated. Think about what the author is trying to convey. Summarize the theme in a sentence or two.

Outline or summarize each chapter

Go back through each chapter and outline or summarize it in your own words. Write down the key events, main points, lessons, promises, commands, or whatever stands out to you. This will cement the content into your memory.

Ask questions

Come up with some questions about what you’re reading. Ask who, what, where, when, why, and how questions. Question why events happened or what specific passages or verses mean.

Write down your questions and try to find possible answers by looking at the context, cross-referencing with other Scriptures, or doing word studies.

Apply it to your life

Ask yourself how you can apply what you’re learning to your own life. What changes do you need to make? What encouragement or promises can you hold onto?

How does this teach, correct, or train you? Personal application is key to gaining wisdom and understanding from the Bible.

Dig Deeper

Once you have read through the book several times, you can dig deeper by doing word studies on key terms, researching historical context, reading Bible commentary on each chapter, or studying any topics that interest you. The more you study, the more depth and meaning you will gain from God’s Word.

Following these straightforward steps will enable you to systematically study any book of the Bible on your own. Be patient and commit to spending time in regular Bible study.

As you do, God will begin to open your eyes to His truth in amazing ways. So pick up your Bible and get started today!

So there you have it—a few tips to help you dive into studying the Bible for yourself. Don’t be intimidated by the size or complexity of the Bible. Start small, be consistent, ask good questions, and take your time.

Let the living and active Word speak to you. The more you read and study, the more the Bible will become familiar and meaningful to you. Before you know it, you’ll be hooked.

Studying the Bible can be a lifelong adventure, so buckle up and enjoy the journey. You’ve got this! Now open your Bible, pick a book to start with, and begin. The treasures are waiting to be discovered.

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